Friday, April 18, 2008


Think about it, How many lies have you been told on a daily basis? How often have you been mislead by someone you trusted?
I'll bet you don't know.
We've all told a couple of lies one time or another, especially in today's society wherein everyone is so "me" oriented. Some people lie so that the people listening to the lies will feel better. Some lies were told to help, and some were to hurt. People even lie just for the thrill. How ever you tend to put, there is no such thing as a "good lie".
Sometimes we think that if we only tell a little “white lie” we really aren't hurting somebody. In fact, we are hurting ourselves, for in telling lies of any size we are developing a pattern in our lives of mixing black with white. Eventually we will see only grey and be unable to clearly discern the truth of what is right and wrong.
A stranger lying to me…I’d expect that, no big deal. But someone close to me or someone I trusted lying to me would truly disappoint me. If I can’t trust you, if I can’t believe what you say, how I can I be around you? I’m far too suspicious.
If you are lying because you want to convince yourself, then do it... just don't expect that you'll convince me too. I am not that naive. I may not know what the truth is, but I know that what you are telling me is not.
Remember, lies never travel alone. If you tell one, you have to continue lying to maintain the first lie. One small fib can grow into a lie of gargantuan proportions! You can not build your whole life from lies it could destroy you.
So keep your life simple - just tell the truth.
“Tell the truth and you don't have to remember anything.”

* This post is also posted in my literary blog, blackplume.

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